OutcomeCollection Members

OutcomeCollection Overview


New() The Plain-Vanilla Constructor

Public Properties

Item Default Property of this zero-based Collection; returns the Outcome at the Index-th position of the Collection
PowerSet Gets or Sets the set of sets of the Outcomes in this OutcomeCollection

Public Methods

Add Adds an Outcome to the Collection and Returns its position in the Collection
AddIfNew Adds an Outcome to this Collection and returns its Index provided it is not already a member; if it is a member, returns its Index
AddIfNewRange Adds to this Collection the members of a given OutcomeCollection which are new to this Collection and returns the number of IPartiallyComparables added
AddRange (Outcome[]) Adds the members of a given Array of Outcome Objects to this Collection and returns the number of IPartiallyComparables added
AddRange (OutcomeCollection) Adds the members of a given OutcomeCollection to this Collection and returns the number of EGWorlds added
Clone Makes a Shallow Copy of this Collection
Contains Returns True iff a given Outcome belongs to this Collection
GetNamesString Returns a String of the concatenated Names of the member Outcomes; Returns empty String if this is the Null Set of Outcomes
GetPowerSet (OutcomeCollection) Returns the PowerSet Collection of a given ObjectCollection
GetPowerSet () Sets and Returns the PowerSet Collection of this OutcomeCollection
HasSameMembersAs Returns True iff this OutcomeCollection considered as an unordered set has exactly the same members as a given OutomeCollection, considered as an unordered set
IndexOf Returns the Index of a given Outcome if it is in this Collection; else returns -1
PartialCompare Partially Compares a given OutcomeCollection with another OutcomeCollection; Return: < -1 means that the first instance is less than the second; = -1 Means that the first instance is NOT COMPARABLE TO the second; = 0 means that the first instance is equal to the second; > 0 means tht the first instance is greater than the second
PartiallyCompareTo (Object) Partially Compares the current instance with another object of the same type (OutcomeCollection); Return: < -1 means This instance is less than obj; = -1 Means This instance is NOT COMPARABLE TO obj; = 0 means This instance is equal to obj; > 0 means This instance is greater than obj
PartiallyCompareTo (OutcomeCollection) Partially Compares the current OutcomeCollection with another OutcomeCollection; Return: < -1 means This instance is less than obj; = -1 Means This instance is NOT COMPARABLE TO obj; = 0 means This instance is equal to obj; > 0 means This instance is greater than obj
Remove Removes a given Outcome from this Collection
Reverse (OutcomeCollection) Returns a shallow Copy of a given OutcomeCollection, but placed in reverse order
Reverse () Reverses the order of this OutcomeCollection, and Returns it
ShowPowerSet Returns a String representatation of the Power Set of this Collection
Sort () Sorts this OutcomeCollection on the Names of its Outcomes, and Returns it
Sort (OutcomeCollection) Returns a shallow Copy of a given OutcomeCollection, sorted on the Names of its Outcomes
StringToOutcome For a given String Outcome Name, Returns the Outcome Object belonging to this OutcomeCollection if such exists; else returns Nothing
ToString Returns a String representation of this Collection
UnorderedSetIsAlradyIn Returns True iff an OutcomeCollection with exactly the members of UnorderedSet is already a member of SuperSet