Spot Members

Spot Overview


New() The plain vanilla Constructor
New(String, ContainerGraph, Point, Size, Color, Boolean, CtxMenuStyle, String, Int32) Constructor for reconstruction of a Spot from XML
New(Spot, ContainerGraph, Point) A Copy Constructor, generally employed in Reiteration or Insertion on Verso
New(ContainerGraph, Point, String, Int32) The Constructor for adding a new Spot with 0 or more Hooks

Public Properties

CenterOffset Center Point of Spot, RELATIVE TO THIS CONTROL
CenterPoint Center Point of Spot, RELATIVE TO ParentGraph
ConnectedDots The Collection of Lines of Identity (Dots) directly connected to this Spot
Ligatures The Collection of Ligatures to which ConnectedDots belong
VariableName Name of variable (proposition or predicate) corresponding to this Spot

Public Methods

FillHooks Instantiate a spread of LI's to fill the hooks of this Spot
GetCurrentInventorySpotsIndex Reads current Index of this Object in the Inventory; this may differ from IndexFixed, which is the Index in DotsHistoric
IncludesHooksFromLigature This Override reflects the characteristic features of Spot in relation to Ligatures
IsBetaGraph Returns True iff this is a Beta Spot
ProcessSpotDeletion Handles the details when this Spot is deleted
SetHooks Instantiates and places the required Hooks for this Spot
SVGElement Overrides ProtoGraph.SVGElement reflecting special features of Spot
ToString () Returns a single-line String corresponding to this Spot
ToString (Object) Able to return a multi-line String corresponding to this Spot
XMLElement Overrides ProtoGraph.XMLElement reflecting special features of Spot